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The Land of Stone and River, poems by Claudia Putnam
Moon City Press, 2022
Winner of the Moon City Poetry Award
96 pages; $14.95
ISBN: 978-0-913785-63-8
Cover Art by Nancy Martin: New Land IV, watercolor.

Reviewed by Risa Denenberg

Claudia Putnam starts her poetry collection, The Land of Stone and River, with an elegy and a prediction. In the three-lined first poem, “Hoard,” she notes a mound of “pennies / packrat-piled beneath the shed,” and declares this is a “Sure sign of the end.” In the second poem, “Elegy for Snow,” a speaker from a future time (maybe closer than we think) tells someone the story of “In the time when winter was winter—.” She continues her poignant narration with,

You know nothing of quilts, either.
Nor can you know of that quiet,
related somehow to cold
and to particular greens of evergreens,
particularly to chickadees
who used to perch there, rotund
with secrets of winter.

Although these two poems are the book’s starting point, the remainder of the poems are bookmarked by them—musings on past things lost and fearful things to come, enveloped within the natural world that is both stunning and terrifying.   

There is a set of twenty paintings by Bhavani Krishnan titled, Twenty Mountains and I am guessing this is the reference for the title of first section of poems in the book. In that sense, some of these poems are ekphrastic, or perhaps a more apt term would be meditative. The paintings are mostly muted shades of blue, grey, and sand. And yet there is a touch of pink or yellow in a few of them. In style, they resemble the book’s cover art. In only one of the twenty do we see two distant figures, walking along a path. Similarly, in The Land of Stone and River, people populate the poems like ghosts. Many are ghosts.

In “This Isn’t Really Happening,” Putnam writes, “Each year / the river runs thinner, / fleeing its shrinking glacier.” Warnings of catastrophes abound throughout the book. In this section, the totem animal is a crow, though the warning is for all of us:   

Poor lost crow, these are not
            the best of times
to be falling asleep.

It is the sixth poem in the book in which we learn of the death of a child called Isaac, “who sprang / fully formed into our lives / and died. In “Unawake,” a commingled homonym, Putnam’s words poignantly and disjointedly display how such a death—an infant—weighs so heavily on the child’s parents yet receives so little support from the rest of the human world.

[…] if it is odd to have a dead kid without a funeral believe it or not that is one thing in America with family thousands of miles away that can fall through the cracks camel a mother’s back and there is no heaven.

The feeling that life was muted in that moment is overpowering. Some time later, healing alone with a broken ankle, Putnam’s thoughts turn to others’ loneliness:

We turn dead eyes 
to so many lying solitary. No break
really heals. We try to go on
with our plans.

It always interests me when a poet pays homage to other poets in their work. In this work, Putnam nods to Jane Kenyon, Octavio Paz, Carolyn Forché, Robert Bly, and artist Jayne Wodening, as if to seek their comfort in her grief.

Interesting too, since a crow reappears throughout the book, is her riff on Wallace Steven’s “13 Ways of Looking at a Blackbird,” which is titled, “Ways of the Lion,” referring to the mountain lions of American—cougars, lynxes, and bobcats. Her lynx is not a totem, but an animal to be feared when hiking in its territory. The last two stanzas read:  

It doesn’t care if you’re an environmentalist.

For a while she carried mice,
but she didn’t feel
any safer.

Putnam may or may not call herself an environmentalist, but she has a righteous respect for what the environment consists of: plants, animals, and landforms.

The second section of poems owns the book’s title, The Land of Stone and River, where Putnam’s reverence for these elements runs deep. A multipart poem titled, “As the Wind Comes Among Us,” establishes the project of this book—to move forwards and backwards through origins and extinctions with the widest possible lens, seeking an elusive peace.

In the land of stone and river, godless
known by wind, that is, the continent
we name Gondwana, near the place we call
Equator, the range we term Ancestral
Rockies rises,

groundwater seeping beneath its flanks mixing—
in this memory—minerals to
iron oxide, turning in Time
to hematite—desire, surely—
rosy on the range we christen

bloody in our Time, still the Time
of the Conquistadores, and
it is dizzying.

Dizzying indeed. Were we all to study the history of earth so deeply, would we find peace? Of course not, though we would be wiser for doing so. But we must move on if we are to keep up with Putnam. So much so far is ballast for what’s to come in the last section of the book, Nervestorm. There is a warning—a quote from Oliver Sachs—in the epigraph of this section:

Migraine and neighboring disorders [epilepsy, manic depression] … are distinct and individual, but nevertheless have borderlands in which they merge into one another.

I’ve read a good bit of Sachs over the years, and I know the connection between migraine and epilepsy, but manic depression? Still, here it makes sense. In a series of poems titled, “Migraine,” “Limbic,” and “Nervestorm,” we find the protagonist weathering a St Elmo’s Fire storm; we travel through the limbic system; and we witness an “[Inner?] child writhing / hands on head / neck turning head snapping […]”. Such unpacking of the electrical system that is the human brain is rare.

This final section also unpacks suicide, conveying how knowledge and insight do not prevent—and probably instill—a deep desire to die. In “Suicide Note,” “the gun whispers from its safe / I am / here for you.” And in “The Battle of Brintellix,” Putnam asserts,

Nothing is more noisome       than knowledgeable people
believing themselves to be       best at guiding in grief.
Over that awful summer       I ordered suicide
instructions from the       internet,
favoring bags filled with       floaty helium,
though I also thought       then, of guns

In “Backcountry,” Putnam speaks to a dead friend,

Your son is dead now, suicided. Exit
bag drawn over his head.

In life / this would have destroyed you.

Speaking later in this poem, she says what is most true about herself: “You were a poet, sensitive, visionary. / You and I, so proud of our poetic // instability. We thought the world so sick.”      

If you want to experience the awe I felt while reading The Land of Stones and River, you will have to study this book. You will have to google many unfamiliar terms. It is not an easy book to read and will not bring you peace. That is why you should read it.

Order book here –


Claudia Putnam lives in western Colorado with her dog, Birdie. The Land of Stone and River, which won the Moon City Press poetry prize, is her debut collection. A short memoir, Double Negative, also published in 2022, won the Split/Lip Press CNF prize. She has also published a poetry chapbook, Wild Thing in Our Known World (Finishing Line Press, 2013); and a novella, Seconds (Neutral Zones Press, 2022). Her poetry and fiction can be found in dozens of literary magazines including Rattle, Spillway, RHINO, Barrow Street, The Fourth River, and Iron Horse. She’s been the recipient of a George Bennett fellowship at Phillips Exeter Academy and a Ragdale Foundation residency, and has taught in the Writing Program at CU-Boulder.


Risa Denenberg lives on the Olympic peninsula in Washington state where she works as a nurse practitioner. She is a co-founder of Headmistress Press; curator at The Poetry Café Online; and Reviews Editor at River Mouth Review. Her most recent publications include the poetry collection, slight faith (MoonPath Press, 2018) and the chapbook, Posthuman, finalist in the Floating Bridge 2020 chapbook competition. A new collection, Rain Dweller is forthcoming from MoonPath Press in 2023.

Ain’t Got No

by Claudia Putnam


In grade three Scotty said I ain’t got no
lunch money. We were delighted.
We crowed, That means you do.
If you don’t have none, then you have
some. Mrs. Cole, otherwise kind,

had just taught us the double negative.
But Scotty, one of those kids always
moving, dirty, in trouble, starved for food,
kisses, laughter, anything and everything,
still had no money for lunch.

Some languages would let Scotty
have his doubled poverty. Russian,
for instance, negates everything.
U nevo ne bylo nichevo. Literally:
In his possession nothing of anything wasn’t.

U nevo is interesting. With him, beside him,
near him, in his possession, in his situation,
in his position, he is characterized by.
Most common English translation: he has.
U nevo nichevo. He has nothing.

English gathers round Scotty, jeering.
Don’t you know how to talk? Haven’t
you learned anything? Can’t you think?
Russian isn’t concerned with that logic.
Russian is concerned with nyet.

Nikovo nikogda nigde nichevo ne bylo.
No one never nowhere nothing was not.
A person with no lunch money could say,
U menya nichevo, ni deneg, ni obeda.
I am characterized by nothing,

nothing of money, nothing of lunch.



This Isn’t Really Happening


My black bird was bigger,
my mountains were burning.
The snows stopped coming

sometime around 1999. The wells
dried. The shower sputtering
with soap in my hair

so I was always late. That tame crow
someone set loose spying
through the skylight, jeering.

How many ways is that? Each year
the river running thinner,
fleeing its shrinking glacier.

The Arapaho said the thunderbird,
black as any bird
gets, lived just west of here.

Someone must have seen it,
the day it flapped away.
We don’t get regular afternoon

stunners the way we used to.
You could set your heart on
those 2 PM monsoons. Biblical

lightning, all that water. Now: rusting
Ponderosas, centuries old,
disrobing. All good things

must end. Perhaps nightmares
also end. Not perhaps
in our lifetimes.

Poor lost crow, these are not
the best of times
to be falling asleep.




A few months with other women,
a woman bleeds.

Ten years’ time, a woman synchronizes
with her man.

Over thousands of miles, your arousal
brings my body astir.

Men make movies, you said—now they loop
through my head.

Golden locks on our dark headboard,
naked ass raised.

If I were making this up, I’d be watching you
both; the camera’s on her.

Your currents churn through my body;
don’t think I don’t know.





Claudia Putnam’s work appears in I-70 Review, Weber: The Contemporary West, Literary Mama, Barrow Street, Artful Dodge, Cimarron Review, Confrontation, and in many other journals. A chapbook, Wild Thing in Our Known World, came out last year from Finishing Line and is available from Finishing Line Press and on Amazon. In 2011-12, she had the George Bennett Fellowship. In 2015, she’ll be at Kimmel Harding Nelson. www.claudiaputnam.com


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    F=Fiction, P=Poetry, N=Nonfiction, CN=Creative Nonfiction, A=Art, I=Interview

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    Anna Angrick Illustration

    Kathryn Harrison

    Fall 2018 Issue

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    Kimberly White

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    Blythe Smith

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    The Writing Disorder • Winter 2017-18

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    Patrick Moser
    Richard Thomas
    POETRY Ruth Bavetta Joe Gianotti Sergio A. Ortiz
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    NONFICTION Brett Horton
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    Anika Gupta
    An Intercourse with Ghosts
    Pam Munter

    The Writing Disorder • Spring 2017


    Mark Budman


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    Beth Goldner
    Anthony Ilacqua

    Anna Keeler

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    Katie Strine
    POETRY Gayane M. Haroutyunyan
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    E.M. Schorb
    Tara Isabel Zambrano
    NONFICTION Rene Diedrich
    Barbara J. Campbell
    Anthony J. Mohr

    ARTWORK Sequoia Emmanuelle



    The Writing Disorder • Winter 2016-17


    Christopher Branson
    The Astronaut

    Emma Fuhs
    Jaguar Smiles
    Joe Giordano
    Car Crash
    Shalen Lowell
    Revolutions and Revelations
    Mona Leigh Rose
    The Crossing
    Noelle Schrock
    Someone Has to Heckle the Rhinos

    Katie Schwartz

    POETRY Natalie Crick Joseph Farley Dustin Lowman
    Tamer Mostafa Melissa Watt
    NONFICTION Edd Jennings
    Lost Time
    Mira Martin-Parker
    I’m Not Afraid Anymore
    Book Review
    Apocalypse All the Time
    Lynne Blumberg
    Learning From My Past
    ARTWORK Cameron Bliss

    Michelle Vella

    The Strand

    The Writing Disorder • Fall 2016


    Jacqueline Berkman

    J. L. Higgs
    Lee’s Funeral,
    Emmy’s Wedding

    Martin Keaveney
    Flash Fiction
    M. F. McAuliffe
    Jac Smith
    Jennifer Vanderheyeden

    Tessa Yang
    The Spoiled Child

    Victoria-Elizabeth Panks
    Pikkake Peaks
    POETRY Christina Bavone Sarah Blumrich Seth King
    Maria Marrocchino Judy Roitman Rasool Yoonan
    NONFICTION Rachel Croskrey
    On Why I’m Not
    a Hypochondriac
    K. B. Dixon
    Lucida and Me
    Kym Cunningham
    Making Space
    ARTWORK Jenny Mörtsell

    Blythe Smith


    The Writing Disorder • Summer 2016


    Robert Boucheron
    Very Good English

    Mitchell Grabois
    Art | Climate Change
    Stephanie Renae Johnson
    Paisley Kauffmann
    The Adults

    Tom Miller
    Furniture Store

    Bethany Pope
    A Pretty Smile
    Claire Tollefsrud
    Obligatory Silence
    T.E. Winningham
    i, Clouded
    POETRY Lana Bella Janet Buck D.G. Geis Ashley Inguanta
    Oliver Timken Perrin Brad Rose Lucas Shepherd
    NONFICTION Shay Siegel
    Don’t Quiet Down Please
    Janet Damaske
    Jennifer Elizabeth Johnson
    Chartwell Manor
    Ruby Cowling
    Vertigo book review
    ARTWORK Angelo Deleon

    Letisia Cruz

    John Tavares

    Brad Gottschalk
    Comic Art

    INTERVIEW Jon Wilkman

    The Writing Disorder • Spring 2016


    Patrick Burr
    Pushing Michaelmas

    Larry Fronk
    Bad Soldiers
    Taylor García
    Monica in Georgetown
    Jill Jepson
    Drowning Time

    Bryce Johle

    Matt McGowan
    The Bridge
    P.M. Neist
    The Oracle
    Janice Rodriguez
    Ground Control
    Billy Sauls
    Words in Red
    POETRY Abigail George adam l. Michael Penny
    Belinda Subraman John Sweet
    NONFICTION Stephanie Dickinson
    Maximum Compound
    Paul Garson
    The Y Factor
    Kristian Hoffman
    Bowie Diary
    ARTWORK Giada Cattaneo
    Harumi Hironaka



    Eric Brittingham
    Gin Fizz

    Tera Joy Cole
    Coyotes Don’t Litter
    Thomas Elson
    Midnight Mass
    Vincent Mannings
    Not Always Easy

    Jennifer Porter
    Army Mom

    Jude Roy
    Last of the Cowboys
    Mary Taugher
    Crow on the Cradle
    Chris Vanjonack
    After You
    POETRY Marcella Benton Sean Howard Kjell Nykvist
    Josey Parker Elizabeth Perdomo Domenic James Scopa
    NONFICTION Rebecca Brill
    On Texting a Guy…
    Michael Filas
    Galileo’s Wake
    Denis Mulroony
    Sucking Air
    John Spencer Walters
    On Casket Readinesss
    Kyle Mustain
    Opposite of Suicide II
    ARTWORK Claudia Pomowski Howard Skrill Alina Zamanova
    INTERVIEW Alan Hess
    Writing Architecture
    FALL 2015 ISSUE Robert Cesaretti (F) Tad Bartlett (N) Michael Brownstein (P) Nuta Istrate Gangan (P)
    Jacqueline Bridges (F) Tara Vanflower (N) Tommy Dean (F) Daniele Serra (A) Dan Darling (F)
    René Ostberg (P) James Lipnickas (A) Karen Corinne Herceg (P) Pat Hart (F) Franklin Klavon (F)
    Bruce McRae (P) Sara Regezi (F) Alan Reese (P) Sarah Parris (N) Liz Gilmore Williams (N)
    Susan Lloy (F) Charles Lowe (F) Allen Forrest (A) Paul Garson (N) Lauren Vargas (P)
    . . . .
    . . . . .
    SUMMER 2015 ISSUE Richard Thomas (F) Dimitris Lyacos (N) Robin Wyatt Dunn (P) Emily Strauss (P)
    Daniel Mueller (F) Sarah Sarai (N) Virginia Luck (F) Daniele Serra (A) Joseph De Quattro (F)
    René Ostberg (P) James Lipnickas (A) Hannah Frishberg (P) Tim Boiteau (F) Michael Davis (F)
    Charles Brice (P) Ron Yates (F) Jon Riccio (P) L.D. Zane (N) Audrey Iredale (N)
    Dawn-Michelle Baude (F) David Haight (F) Allen Forrest (A) Paul Garson (N)
    . . . .
    . . . . .
    Mary van Balgooy (N) Evelyn Levine (F) Lauren Martino (A) John Tavares (F) Marina Carreira (P)
    Carmen Firan (F) Natalia Jheté (A) Mitchell Garbois (F) Anna Boorstin (F) A.A. Weiss (F)
    Linda Tillman (A) Kelly Thompson (P) Sandra Rokoff-Lizut (P) Laura Wang (N) Susan Petersen Avitzour (N)
    Jon Fried (F) Claudia Putnam (P) J Hudson (F) Paul Garson (N) Kent Kosack (P)
    Gerard Sarnat (P) John Lowther (P) Walter Thompson (F) Veronica O’Halloran (F) James Gallant (F)
    . . . .
    . . . . .
    WINTER 2014-15 ISSUE
    Kyle R. Mustain (CN) Lou Gaglia (F) Ninon Schubert (F) Robert O’Rourke (F) Tim Roberts (P)
    Samantha Eliot Stier (F) Hudson Marquez (A) Norman Waksler (F) Suzanne Ushie (F) Clarissa Nemeth (F)
    Sarah Katharina Kayß (A) Kevin McCoy (P) Colin Dodds (P) Eddie Argauer (N)
    John Oliver Hodges (F) John McKernan (P) Larena Nawrocki (CN) Paul Garson (CN)
    Ho Cheung (Peter) Lee (P) Tamer Mostafa (P) Jacqueline Berkman (F) Charlie Brown (F)
    .FJa . . . .
    . . . . .
    FALL 2014 ISSUE Suzanne Hyman (F) Christopher Suda (P) Hilda Daniel(A)
    Paula Panich (F) JJ Anselmi (N) Jessie Aufiery (F) Anna Isaacson (F) Scott Stambach (F)
    David Hicks (F) Cheryl Diane Kidder (F) Bruno Barbosa (F) Amita Murray (F) Joshua Sidley (F)
    John Ronan (P) Robert Lavett Smith (P) Daniel Carbone (P) Kim Suttell (P) R.A. Allen (P)
    Dixon Hearne (I) Aurora Brackett (F) Richard Hartshorn (I) Eric Vasallo(I) Ellen Mulholland (F)
    Melissa Palmer (N) Zamar (N) Allen Forrest (A) David Armand (I)
    .F . . . .
    . . . . .
    SUMMER 2014 ISSUE Pamela Langley (F) Adefisayo Adeyeye (P) Margo Herr (A)
    David J Ballenger (F) Ruth Gila Berger (N) RV Branham (F) Beth Castrodale (F) Ruth Deming (F)
    Melissa Grunow (N) Cassie Kellogg (F) Sarah Kruel (F) Joshua Michael Johnson (F) Jake Teeny (F)
    Darren Demaree (P) Persephone Abbott (P) Daniel Fitzgerald (P) Simon Perchik (P) Joseph Ferguson (P)
    Shelby Stephenson (P) Sharon Rothenfluch Cooper (P) David Rose (I) Jacob Reecher (N) Chris Casey (N)
    Simon Larbalestier (I) Keicha Kempsey (N) Paul Garson (N) Joel Nakamura (A) Melinda Giordano (A)
    .F . . . .
    . . . . .




    To View work from 2010-2014, please click here.

    SPRING 2014

    Jacqueline Friedland – Just Allowance
    John Bach – Letter No. 8 — Gunslinger in the Church
    Sayuri Yamada – Dancers
    Leonard Kress – Evooshkoo
    John Richmond – The Hill
    Bobby Fischer – Three Wolves
    David Starnes – Sagging Crown
    Erin Lebacqz – Sustenance
    David S. Atkinson – Turndown Service
    Emily Topper – Something Better


    Sam Rosenthal, Author and Musician

    The Treatment by Xijing “Patricia” Sun
    God’s Junkyard by Margaret Ackerman
    Ghosts by Christine Barcellona

    J.C. Elkin’s World Class by Juliana Woodhead
    Richard Powers’ Orfeo by Sarah Sarai

    The Artist’s Window: The Work of Katerina R. Kovatcheva
    The Sundial Bridge: The Photography of Keith Moul
    The Life of an Artist: The Work of W. Jack Savage

    WINTER 2013-14

    Michael Andreoni
    Sean Croft
    April Dávila
    Gale Deitch
    Ceri Eagling
    Brittany Lynn Goss
    Mark Hollock
    Mercedes Lucero
    Gary Noland
    Danny Olea
    Melissa Palmer
    David Vardeman
    Shanna Yetman

    Angela Hibbs
    Jeffrey Lee Owens
    Patty Seyburn
    Gray Tolhurst
    Joseph Trombatore

    Stephanie Flood
    Jessica Caudill
    Elizabeth Bales Frank
    J.D. Lynn
    Elen Rochlin

    Kayla Roseclere & Ashley Inguanta
    Alexndra Straton
    Laura Watson

    Chang-rae Lee

    David Letzler on Thomas Pynchon

    FALL 2013

    Brian Conlon
    Catherine Nicholas
    Kelly Jacobson
    Adeline Hauber
    R.V. Branham
    C.D. Mitchell
    Darlene Campos
    Lynn Stansbury
    Molly Gillcrist
    John Tavares

    B.Z. Niditch
    Eleni Erikson
    Simon Perchik
    Sarah Sarai
    Aunia Kahn

    Pamela Langley
    J.J. Anselmi
    Elizabeth Dobbin

    Mable Song
    Lisa Wilde
    Vineet Radhakrishnan
    Aunia Kahn
    Christine Robakidze

    Ivy Pochoda
    Martin Aston

    SUMMER 2013

    Sophie Monatte
    Emma Bohmann
    G.D. McFetridge
    Tana Young
    Janae Green
    Lydia Lambrou
    Linda Bilodeau
    Nick Brennan
    Keith Laufenberg
    Ruby Cowling
    Rami Ungar

    Niall Rasputin
    Joanna Valente
    R.T. Castleberry
    Kristen Hoggatt
    Sam Alper
    Jennifer Firestone

    Krista Carlson
    Brenda Rankin
    Jacqueline Doyle
    Dorene O’Brien
    C.A. Stamidis

    Michael Vincent Manalo
    Jasmine Worth
    Van Saro
    Ira Joel Haber

    Steph Cha

    SPRING 2013

    Kate LaDew
    Robert Scott
    Samuel Snoek-Brown
    Ruby Cowling
    Valerie Lewis
    Scott Stambach
    Charles West
    Alexandra Gilwit
    Stefanie Trout
    James Lewelling

    Mary Bast
    Lisa J. Cihlar
    Darren Demaree
    Chris Crittenden
    Pramila Venkateswaran
    Desmond Kon
    Jenny Morse

    Rachael Goetzke
    Christine Ritenis
    R.R. Gwaltney
    Laura Callanan

    Cecile Poulain
    Janet Culbertson
    Tom Block
    Chuck Hodi

    Manuel Gonzales
    Isis Aquarian
    Arthur Tulee

    WINTER 2012-2013

    Radha Bharadwaj
    Barrie Walsh
    Emil DeAndreis
    Brett Burba
    Maui Holcomb
    David S. Atkinson
    Shannon McMahon
    Frances O’Brien
    Shae Krispinsky

    Judith Taylor
    Dorothy Chan
    A.J. Huffman
    Amy Sprague
    H. Alexander Shafer
    Amit Parmessur
    Rinzu Rajan
    Robert P. Hansen

    David B. Comfort
    Chase Wilkinson

    Joe Biel
    Fletcher Crossman
    Natasha Stanton
    Peter Colquhoun

    Alexandra Styron
    Steven Weissman

    FALL 2012

    Caroline Rozell
    Lorraine Comanor
    Marc Simon
    Len Joy
    Priscilla Mainardi
    Harvey Spurlock
    Max Sheridan
    Katja Zurcher
    Linda Nordquist
    Steven Miller

    Jasmine Smith
    Lowell Jaeger
    Jose Flores
    Corey Mingura
    Katherine MacCue

    Colleen Corcoran
    Chelsey Clammor
    Alia Volz

    Eric Rodriguez
    Loren Kantor
    Keith Moul
    Eric Rodriguez

    Amelia Gray
    Ruth Clampett

    SUMMER 2012

    Brian S. Hart
    Jessica Caudill
    Amanda McTigue
    Leslie Johnson
    Brandon Bell
    Marija Stajic
    Rachel Bentley
    Rebecca Wright
    Orlin Oroschakoff

    Gretchen Mattox
    Mike Donaldson
    Lucie Winborne
    David Russomano
    Jess Minkert

    J.J. Anselmi
    Melanie Henderson
    Annette Renee

    Judith Taylor
    Yi Gao
    Dallas Paterson
    Elias Duchowny

    David Cowart, Part II

    SPRING 2012

    Eliezra Schaffzin
    Melissa Palmer
    Pamela Dreizen
    Claire Noonan
    Ben Orlando
    Joe Kilgore
    Francis Chung
    Kevin Ridgeway
    Karoline Barrett
    G.L. Williams

    Gale Acuff
    Susan King
    Ivy Page
    Sonali Gurpur
    Holly Day

    Henry F. Tonn
    Lily Murphy

    Leonard Kogan
    Orlin Oroschakoff
    Chad Kaplan

    David Cowart, Part I

    WINTER 2011-2012

    Greg November
    Ashley Inguanta
    Brooke Kwikkel
    Tegan Webb
    Ruth Webb
    Edward Wells
    Tantra Bensko
    Keith Laufenberg
    Robert Sachs

    Geordie de Boer
    Amanda Hempel
    Lisa Sisler
    Garth Pavell

    Shay Belisle
    Emily-Jane Hills Orford

    Soey Milk
    Ashley Inguanta
    Brett Stout

    Howard Junker
    Emily Kiernan

    FALL 2011

    Patrick T. Henry
    Matt Thomas
    Tracy Auerbach
    Marko Fong
    A. Lazakis
    Gina Goldblatt
    M.E. McMullen
    Sarah Sarai

    Aaron Poller
    Purdey Kreiden
    C. Derick Varn

    William Henderson
    Henry F. Tonn

    Karl Wills
    Eleanor Bennett
    Carl Lozada


    SUMMER 2011

    Avi Wrobel
    Taryn Hook
    San Rafi
    Jennifer Fenn
    Robert J. Miller
    Susan Dale
    John Staley
    William J. Fedigan
    Alice Charles

    Kathryn Zurlo
    Thompson Boling
    Felino Soriano

    G.S. Payne
    William Boyle

    Mari Inukai
    Nicole Bruckman
    Luke Ritta

    Francesca Lia Block
    Rudy Ratzinger

    SPRING 2011

    Liam Connolly
    Katie Lattari
    Karen Wodke
    Sudha Balagopal
    Eliza Snelling
    Rebecca Shepard
    Ron Koppelberger

    Mark DeCarteret
    Margaux Griffith
    Erica Ostergaard
    Sara Swanson

    Shorsha Sullivan
    Chelsea Wolfe
    Michael Burns
    Yu-Han Chao

    Heather Watts
    John Oliver Hodges
    Luke Ritta

    Musician, Chelsea Wolfe

    WINTER 2010

    Joe Kilgore
    John Oliver Hodges
    Dust, Marianne Villanueva
    The Great Emptying of the Three Triangles, Marianne Villanueva
    Jesse Aufiery
    Michael Burns
    Brett Biebel
    Tetman Callis

    Lauren Nicole Nixon
    Michael Fessler
    David McLean
    Jill Wright

    MIchael Campino
    Deanna Ong
    Sy Rosen
    Weisberg & Gousios

    Michael Knight
    Joseph Bowman
    Coloring Book Art

    Author, Davis Schneiderman

    FALL 2010

    John Bruce
    Jim Meirose
    Sarah Smith
    Elizabeth Dunphey
    Gregg Williard
    Elizabeth Blandon

    Lana Rakhman
    Samantha Zimbler
    Ricky Garni
    Robert HIll Long

    MIchael Campino
    Leigh Gaston
    Sy Rosen
    Karen Joyce Williams

    Ela Boyd
    JT Steiny
    MIchael Jonathan
    Ernest Williamson

    The Beautiful World of Pieter Nooten

    SUMMER 2010

    Emily Kiernan
    Joan Connor
    Stephen Meyer
    Desmond Kon
    Joel Cox

    Judith Taylor
    Gretchen Mattox
    Ashley Shivar
    Jesse DeLong

    Stuart Dybek
    Deborah Bradford
    Joseph Smith

    Osker Jimenez
    Steve Bartlett
    Richard Lange
    C.W. Moss

    The Lava Lady by Joanne Levine & Paul Monroe

    SPRING 2010

    Miranda McLeod
    Heather Genovese
    DC Curtis & Bones Kendall

    Michael Moeller
    Steve Abee
    Aimee Brooks

    Paul Garson
    Teddie-Joy Remhild

    Alexia Pilat
    Carl Lozada
    Carly Mizzou

    Burton Pressboard

      Spring 2024 Interview

      Interview with author, Sandra Niemi

      Spring 2024 Nonfiction

      Sometimes it Takes Fifty Years to Repair a Friendship
      by Kelsey Berryman
      Minor League Authors
      by Eric D. Lehman
      Bat Summer
      by Rachel Paz Ruggera
      Review: Homelight by Lola Haskins
      by Claire Hamner Matturo

      Winter 2023/24 Nonfiction

      How to Read 100 Books in a Year
      by CL Glanzing
      Tangled by Blood: Book Review
      by Lisa C. Peterson
      Some Peace
      by Rita Plush
      Proper Posture
      by Angela Townsend

      Fall 2023 Nonfiction

      Plums for Months: A Book Review by Deb DeBates Chicken Babies by Maza Guzmán
      Empowering Despair by Liza Martin Water by Chetan Sankar

      Summer 2023 Nonfiction

      The Weight of Black Hair by Sydney Hollins-Holloway The Box in the Closet by Eric Lee
      I Am Autism by Jonathan Kruyer No Funeral: The True Story of Richard Petrowski by Steve Schecter
      Too Late to Save the F-Word by Rita Stevens

      Spring 2023 Nonfiction

      Zone Valves by Graeme Hunter Father’s Day by Kate E. Lore
      What the F*ck is Going on? by Arlene Rosales

      Winter 2022/23 Nonfiction

      The Scholar by Margaret King To My Son Who Name I Do Not Know… by Yolanda Wysocki
      Book Review: Heaven’s Burning Porch Book Review: Nights of Plague
      Book Review: The Other Mother

      Fall 2022 Nonfiction

      Deconstructing Gertrude Stein by Stephen Abney The Peshaman Fragments by Greg Sendi
      Book: The Land of Stone and River by Claudia Putnam – Review by Risa Denenberg

      Summer 2022 Nonfiction

      Sports of Sorts by Thomas Backer Mailable Motorcycle Art by Paul Garson
      What’s In a Name? by Graeme Hunter

      Putting the Laughter in Slaughterhouse by Sara Watkins

      SPRING 2022
      The Wild Child
      Catherine Filloux
      Forged for Strength
      Jean McDonough
      Beautiful Things
      William T. Vandegrift, Jr.
      REVIEW Writing as Recovery:
      Melissa Febos’ Body Work
      by Kate Brandt
      WINTER 2021/22
      Make It Go Away: Love, Loss and What I was Reading
      Joan Frank
      A Prequel to My Sister’s
      Donna Talarico 
      Emilio Williams 
      FALL 2021
      Hashbrowns and Termites
      Jamie Good
      The Arraghey Wander by Seven
      Ruth Heilgeist 
      Sportin’ Life
      Graeme Hunter 
      How to Break and Mend Your Mother’s Heart
      JoAnne E. Lehman
      SUMMER 2021
      In the Houses of Others
      Anita Kestin
      Guide to the Ruins
      Eve Müller 
      Review: Dust Bowl Venus
      Linda Scheller 
      Deborah A. Lott

      Winter 2020/21 Nonfiction

      Birthday Surprise, 2003
      Lourdes Dolores Follins

      The Blizzard of ’47
      Anita Gorman 

      Tricky Friend
      Natthinee Knot-asa Jones & Hardy Jones 

      Let He Who Is Without Sin Hurl The First Haggis
      James W. Morris 

      Fall 2020 Nonfiction

      The Other Daughter – Lourdes Dolores Follins

      Wonderful Vacation – J L Higgs 

      Amen Sure Thing – Mindela Ruby

      California Fugue – Teresa Yang

      INTERVIEW: Philip Cioffari by Bill Wolak

      Summer 2020 Nonfiction

      A Survival Guide to
      Christian College

      Rachel Belth
      Save Me and I
      Will Be Saved

      Riley Winchester
      Rejuvenation in

      Jennifer Worrell

      Spring Nonfiction 2020

      This talented group present their new work.

      Fasting – Cliff Morton
      Smoke – Dennis Vannatta

      Interview with Chryssa Nikolakis by Bill Wolak

      Summer Nonfiction 2019

      This talented group present their new work.

      Historic(!) Rugby – Tim Miller

      Cochina de Mierda – Jennifer Jordán Schaller

      INTERVIEW with Author, Mallory O’Meara

      Spring Nonfiction 2019

      These talented writers present their new work.

      Listening to the Voice – Eve Dobbins

      Who is Jackie Brown? – Rachel Scott

      INTERVIEW with Author, Kathryn Harrison

      Winter Nonfiction 2018-19

      Four talented writers with new work.

      INTERVIEW with Author, Kathryn Harrison

      In the Eye – Deborah Morris

      How to Change Your Name – Jayelle Seeley

      BOOK REVIEW: The Night Ocean

      Fall Nonfiction 2018

      Three talented writers presenting brand new work.

      Eimile Bowden – Female, Age Twenty

      Jeffrey James Higgins – An Uncommon Hero

      Ana Vidosavljevic – A Turkish Coffee Reader

      Summer – Nonfiction 2018

      Brand new work from three very talented writers.

      How Author Eddy L. Harris Changed My Life by Patrick Dobson

      BookStop by Susan Lloy

      Perspectives by Deanna Mobley

      Spring – Nonfiction 2018

      Great new work from two very talented writers.

      UP ABOVE and the DOWN BELOW by Linda Leigh

      STITCHES by Rick White

      Winter – Nonfiction 2017-18

      Great new work from two very talented writers.

      DOGS OF KATMANDU by Brett Horton


      SPARKY by Pam Munter

      Fall – Nonfiction 2017

      Great new work from two very talented writers.


      MY GREEN CARD by Maria Lopez

      Summer – Nonfiction 2017

      A group of talented writers. Please read each and every piece published.

      BREAKING THE SILENCE by Damilola Olaniyi

      The DON NOWELL Story by Paul Garson

      Spring – Creative Nonfiction 2017

      A group of talented writers. Please read each and every piece published.


      I WAS THE DEAN OF FUTURES STUDIES by Barbara J. Campbell

      WE’VE GOT SWEATERS by Anthony J. Mohr

      Winter – Nonfiction 2016-17

      A talented group writers. Please read each and every one published here.

      LOST TIME by Edd Jennings

      I’M NOT AFRAID ANYMORE by Mira Martin-Parker

      BOOK REVIEW: Apocalypse All the Time by David Atkinson – Review by Ryan Werner

      LEARNING FROM MY PAST by Lynne Blumberg

      Fall – Nonfiction 2016

      A talented group of smart, thought-provoking, and humorous writers.
      Please read each and every one published here.

      LUCIDA and ME – K. B. Dixon

      ON WHY I’M NOT A HYPOCHONDRIAC – Rachel Croskrey

      MAKING SPACE – Kym Cunningham

      Summer – Nonfiction 2016

      A great group of intelligent, thoughtful, and humorous pieces.
      Please read each and every piece published here.

      Don’t Quiet Down Please – Shay Siegel

      Bloodline – Janet Damaske

      Chartwell Manor – Jennifer Elizabeth Johnson

      Vertigo book review – Ruby Cowling

      Spring – Nonfiction 2016

      A great new group present you with some interesting, challenging, and humorous ideas.
      Please make sure you read each and every piece presented here.

      Maximum Compound – Stephanie Dickinson

      The Y Factor: “Deep Nasal Passage” Reveals Pre-Launch Secrets of The X-Files – Paul Garson

      Kristian Hoffman – Bowie Diaries

      Winter – Nonfiction 2015-16

      An excellent group of writers with some great new work.
      Please read each and every piece published here.

      Interview with Writer and Architect, Alan Hess

      Michael Filas – Galileo’s Wake

      Denis Mulroony – Sucking Air: Above-Ground Pool Chronicles

      Kyle Mustain – The Opposite of Suicide II

      John Spencer Walters – The Importance of Casket Readiness

      Fall – Nonfiction 2015

      We hope you’re ready for some excellent new work from this gifted group of writers.
      Make sure you come back and read each and every one.

      Interview with Writer and Musician, Tara Vanflower

      Tad Bartlett – Head Space

      Sarah Parris – NaNoWriMo

      Liz Gilmore Williams – The Blitz

      Summer – Creative Nonfiction 2015

      Some exceptional new work from a great group of writers.
      We hope you take the time to read each and every one.

      Interview with Poet and Playwright, Dimitris Lyacos

      L.D. Zane – Kintsugi

      Audrey Iredale – What They Don’t Tell You About Cancer

      Sarah Sarai – My Month in Marijuana Sales

      Paul Garson – The Twice Fought War: Ethiopia 1935-1945

      Spring – Creative Nonfiction 2015

      Some of the best new work from a great group of writers.
      We hope you read each and every one.

      Mary A. van Balgooy – Designer of the Dream: Cliff May and the California Ranch House

      Susan Petersen Avitzour – Phil Och’s Guitar

      Laura Wang – Synesthesia/Synesthete

      Paul Garson – I Spy Cameras


      Featuring some of the best creative nonfiction from a talented group of writers.
      We hope you take the time to read each and every piece.

      Kyle R. Mustain – The Opposite of Suicide

      Eddie Argauer – The Two Faces of Janus

      Larena Nawrocki – Stomping on Spiders

      Paul Garson – Cry Havoc and Let Slip the Dogs of War

      Karl Wills – Interview


      Featuring some of the best nonfiction work from an amazing group of writers.
      We hope you take the time to read each and every piece.

      J.J. Anselmi – Entering the Moment

      Daniel Carbone – In the Details

      Paula Panich – What God Hath Intended

      Melissa Palmer – Breaking the Silence

      Eric Vasallo – Interview with Graffiti Artist, Zamar


      Featuring some excellent new contributions from a talented group of artists and writers. We hope you spend some time with each and every piece.

      Simon Larbalestier – Interview (Photographer)

      David Rose – Interview (Writer)

      Keicha KempseyDos Trensas/Two Braids

      Ruth Gila Berger – Rumplestiltskin-Rumplestiltskin-Rumplestiltskin.

      Jacob Reecher – In the Care of Professionals

      Melissa Grunow – Shelter/ed

      Chris Casey – Legendary Filmmaker Seijun Suzuki

      Paul Garson – The Great Kantu Earthquake

        Spring 2024 Poetry

        Josh Humphrey J. A. Lane
        Dana Roeser Nolo Segundo
        Uzomah Ugwu Diane Webster

        Winter 2023/24 Poetry

        Duane Anderson Lawrence Bridges
        Annette Gagliardi Elizabeth Morse
        Frederick Pollack Charlotte Suttee
        Michal Zielinski

        Fall 2023 Poetry

        Wayne-Daniel Berard Elizabeth Crowell
        James Iovino Cynthia Pratt
        CLS Sandoval J.R. Solonche
        Scott Waller

        Summer 2023 Poetry

        George Capaccio Beatrice Feng
        Sydney Fisher Ron Riekki
        Mykyta Ryzhykh Scott Taylor

        Spring 2023 Poetry

        Lorelei Bacht John Cullen
        Shae Krispinsky James McKee
        Sloan Porter David Sapp

        Winter 2022/23 Poetry

        Phoebe Cragon Richard Dinges, Jr.
        Kristen Haggatt-Abader Arezou Mokhtarian
        Jim Murdoch Christina E. Petrides
        Brent Short

        Fall 2022 Poetry

        Gale Acuff C.L. Bledsoe
        billy cancel DeWitt Clinton
        Mark DeCarteret Megan Denese Mealor
        Stephanie Russell

        Summer 2022 Poetry

        Ali Asadollahi Christine Horner 
        Susan Jennifer Polese RE DRUM
        M.A. Schaffner Glen Vecchione
        SPRING 2022
        Vandana Kumar John Maurer  Stephen Mead
        Paul Rabinowitz Juanita Rey Hoyt Rogers
        Jason Visconti
        WINTER 2021/22
        Holly Day Ash Ellison Jonah Meyer
        Bruce Parker Frederick Pollack Kate Porter
        FALL 2021
        Milton P. Ehrlich Maria Marrocchino Mikayla Schutte
        Travis Stephens Jordyn Taylor Kim Zach
        SUMMER 2021
        Carolyn Adams Torri Hammonds James Croal Jackson
        J.R. Solonche Elizabeth Train-Brown Matt Zachary

        Winter 2020/21 Poets


        Jen Knox

        Kate Porter

        Gavriel Ross

        John Sweet

        Joy Williams

        Fall 2020 Poets

        Januário Esteves

        Diana Ha

        Ashley Inguanta

        F.X. James

        Steven M. Smith

        Tim Suermondt

        James Thurgood

        Summer 2020 Poetry

        Daniel Aristi Christopher Barnes Donna Dallas
        Téa Nicolae Keko Prijatelj Abasiama Udom

        Spring 2020 Poets

        Six poets present new work.

        Michele Alice
        Terry Brinkman
        Abigail George
        Lance Lee
        Charles J. March III
        Juanita Rey

        Summer 2019 Poets

        Six poets present new work.

        Luis Cuauhtémoc Berriozábal

        John Califano

        R.T. Castleberry

        Laurinda Lind

        Nanette Rayman

        Roger Singer

        Spring 2019 Poets

        New poetry from seven talented writers.

        Holly Day

        Chris Fox

        Mary Kasimor

        Jared Pearce

        Marvin Rosel

        Zach Trebino

        Guinotte Wise

        Winter 2018-19 Poets

        New poetry from seven special writers.

        Adrian Cretu

        E.G. Ted Davis

        M.A. Istvan, Jr.

        A.C. O’Dell

        Lauren Sartor

        Alex Schmidt

        J.A. Staisey

        Fall 2018 Poets

        New poetry from six great poets.

        Judy Shepps Battle

        Mary Bone

        Zoë Christopher 

        Jim Farfaglia

        DS Maolalai

        Amber Wilkinson

        Summer 2018 Poets

        New work from seven outstanding poets.

        Anthony Isaac Bradley

        Colleen Farrelly

        Anastasia Jill

        Nick Paul

        Simon Perchik

        Fabrice Poussin

        Domenic Scopa

        Spring 2018 Poets

        New work from five amazing writers.

        Brad Garber

        Ricky Garni

        Susan Richardson

        Deborah Saltman

        Kimberly White

        Winter 2o17-18 Poets

        New work from six very talented writers.

        Ruth Bavetta

        Joe Gianotti

        Sergio A. Ortiz

        Garth Pavell

        Cliff Saunders

        Sara Truuvert

        Fall 2o17 Poets

        Great new work from eight super-talented writers.

        Lana Bella

        Elizabeth Bolton

        Lillian Hara

        Kristen Hoggat-Abader

        Glenn Ingersoll

        Steven Ratiner

        Margarita Serafimova

        Keiona Wallace

        Summer 2o17 Poets

        New work from seven very talented writers.

        Charles W. Brice

        Abigail George

        Greg Hill

        Bruce McRae

        A. A. Reinkeke

        S. L. V. Stronwin

        Kailey Tedesco

        Spring 2017 POETS

        Brand new work from some very talented writers.

        Gayane M. Haroutyunyan

        TS Hidalgo

        Kasandra Larsen

        E.M. Schorb

        Tara Isabel Zambran0


        Winter 2016-17 POETS

        New work from five very talented poets.

        Natalie Crick

        Joseph Farley

        Dustin Lowman

        Tamer Mostafa

        Melissa Watt

        Fall 2016 POETS

        Bold new work from six talented poets.

        Christina Bavone

        Sarah Blumrich

        Seth King

        Maria Marrocchino

        Judith Roitman

        Siavash Saadlou

        Summer 2016 POETS

        Exciting new work from seven talented poets. Enjoy all the work featured here.

        Lana Bella

        Janet Buck

        D.G. Geis

        Ashley Inguanta

        Oliver Timken Perrin

        Brad Rose

        Lucas Shepherd

        Spring 2016 POETS

        Exciting new work from five talented poets. Enjoy all the work featured in our new issue.

        Abigail George

        adam l.

        Michael Penny

        Belinda Subraman

        John Sweet

        WINTER 2015-16 POETS

        Excellent and diverse. Exciting new work from six outstanding poets. Enjoy each writer and all they have to offer.

        Marcella Benton

        Sean Howard

        Kjell Nykvist

        Josey Parker

        Elizabeth Perdomo

        Domenic James Scopa

        FALL 2015 POETS

        Some impressive new work from six outstanding poets. Enjoy each and every one.

        Michael Brownstein

        Nuta Istrate Gangan

        Karen Corinne Herceg

        Bruce McRae

        Alan Reese

        Lauren Vargas

        Summer POETRY 2015

        Featuring some very impressive work from an outstanding group of poets. We hope you enjoy every word.

        Charles Brice
        Variations on a Buddha Shove • Ten Paintings by Matisse
        Ten Jazz Standards • Tarzan In Winter, 1955

        Robin Wyatt Dunn
        The Glowing Adventure • Live at Five • Strange Horizons

        Hannah Frishberg
        Amtrak • Danse Macabre • This Social Generation

        René Ostberg
        Bioluminescent Bay • Aisling • Coconut

        Jon Riccio
        Streaming • Prompt • Separate Recyclables

        Emily Strauss
        Going on Vacation • The Sky Leaps to Light

        Spring POETRY 2015

        Featuring some impressive new work from seven outstanding poets. We hope you enjoy them all.

        Sandra Rokoff-Lizut
        April Fool • On Polliwog Pond • As Oregon winter begins

        Marina Carreira
        Capela de Nossa Senhora dos Aflitos • Requiem for the Heart – En Route to Montreal, on Our Anniversary

        Kent Kosack
        Spent Grains • The Attic • Your Hair • Commute

        Claudia Putnam
        Ain’t Got No • This Isn’t Really Happening • Sync

        Kelly Thompson
        Legacy • Colorado • Shape of a Song

        John Lowther
        Selections from 555

        Gerard Sarnat
        Where Erasers and Wastebaskets and I am Kept

        Winter POETRY 2014-15

        Featuring some great new work from an excellent group of poets. We hope you enjoy each and every one.

        Ho Cheung (Peter) Lee
        Coffee • Without • 2700 fps • Eaden

        Colin Dodds
        Loneliness Grow Stranger the Larger It Becomes • Secrets of the Modern Race • Rooms Without End

        Kevin McCoy
        Phone Rings • A Thousand Threads • King Street Aberdeen

        John McKernan
        The Thin Scar on Susan’s Right Wrist • Why Do Soldiers • Birthday Numero 47 • Public Park

        Tamer Mostafa
        Sniper’s Rhythm • Walk to the Coffee Shop • The Dealers are Sleeping

        Tim Roberts
        from 244 Passivity

        FALL POETRY 2014

        Featuring fresh new work from an exceptional group of poets. We hope you enjoy each and every one.

        R.A. Allen
        Disclaimer • Future Bright • Side Work Sonatina

        Christopher Suda
        Wonder is a Wooden Leg • Caterpillars

        Kim Suttell
        As a Skinny Girl • Pierre • Acceptance • Pieces

        Robert Lavett Smith
        Sable • After Thirty Years • An Accident of Weather

        John Ronan
        Every Day is Garbage Day, Somewhere • Hanky Panky (A love song)

        POETRY – Summer 2014

        Featuring excellent new poetry from a talented group of writers. We hope you enjoy reading each and every word.

        Darren Demaree
        Adoration #109, Adoration #110, Adoration #111

        Persephone Abbott
        A Bucket of Water, The Pear in Her Lap, I Want for Powder, Rambunctious Love Fix Me, Short Florida Saga

        Daniel Fitzgerald
        Dust Storm, Caress, Professional Courtesy

        Simon Perchik
        New Poems

        Joseph Ferguson
        Rain on the Lake, The Hawk, Goose Woman

        Sharon Rothenfluch Cooper
        Discordant Song, Fever, Tracings, Reflections, Falls’ Bright Flush, Sweeping Gestures

        Shelby Stephenson
        Chapter 14, 28 and 47 from Country

        Adefisayo Adeyeye
        Untitled, Untitled, Untitled