Feeding Frenzy
By Mary Bone
Jaws drip saliva
Thirsting for the blood,
The bones, to chew.
Stomachs grumble,
The hunt is on.
Crouching low,
A jungle cat
Leaps forward.
The prey unaware,
Continues to graze
Until teeth snare and falls.
The jungle floor is covered
With carcasses from different hunts
Making way for ants to feed
On leftovers.
Nothing is wasted in the
Feeding frenzy,
And appetites are satisfied.
Alphabet Soup
I spelled words with letters
In my bowl.
I ate the verbs, adverbs and adjectives.
Nouns floated around and I crossed the i’s and
The t’s,
Stirring up trouble
With my spoon.
I realized my spoon was finally empty.
The soup was good.
It was the best words
I’ve ever eaten.
Mary Bone has been writing since the age of twelve. Some of Mary’s poems can be found in the Fall issue of The Homestead Review Online, Literary Yard, Oklahoma today, Poetry Pacific, Magazine Record Blogspot, The New Ink Review, Our Poetry Archive and The Writing Disorder.